Custom-painted bags

These are some Martini bags custom-painted for our clients throughout the years. We offer a selection of faux leather bags you can choose from, and we accept custom painting with your photo inspiration provided. Send us an email or inquiry via our Contact page!

Commission Process

  • Send us an email or fill out our Contact Form. If possible, please include your photo inspiration.

  • Once inquiry is received, we will get back to you in 48 hours with Terms of Service for you to review and Contract for you to sign. If we cannot take your commission for any reason, we will let you know as well.

  • Commissions can be paid either 100% upfront or split 50% upfront and 50% after mock-up approval.

  • The time it takes to finish your commission varies 2 weeks - 1 month depending on factors such as health and the complexity of the commissioned piece.

  • Delivery time varies but once client has approved of the final piece, we will send it for delivery within 48 hours.